
Eva Gouwens, CEO

“When we started working together we had a quite new management team and a historically grown gap in trust between management and the rest of the team. We started with building a team out of the new group of MT members. The sequence and topics of the sessions were very useful, even when those were topics I wouldn’t have mentioned upfront. Hayat works 1:1 with every leader and as an MT. This works very well and has resulted in quick progress.

Hayat has given us insights in our collective patterns in behaviour, feeling and thinking for example around dealing with conflicts within our team. She holds everyone very well accountable for his or her input in the sessions and the day-to-day situations. In our individual sessions, she helped me gain insight in underlying thought patterns and then helped me set things in motion in a very practical way.”

Ferdinand Grapperhaus Jr., Co-Founder & CEO

“Hayat inspires to grow, motivates to change, challenges to dig and supports to feel. She cuts through the bullsh*t and focuses on impact. ‘Destructive Creation’ is her magical power and if you work with her you might, one day, learn to apply it yourself. I would recommend any professional, or even every individual, to work with Hayat to grow beyond their own limiting beliefs."


John Auckland, CEO

"If you are looking for an exceptionally talented, insightful coach then I implore you to contact Neena. She is at the top of her game and you can consider yourself very lucky if you have been given the opportunity to work with her."


Reinout Engelberts, former CEO Sensara, CEO Noa Air

“The biggest challenge for a scale-up is to take a step back from the day-to-day and reflect. Hayat is both a personal coach and a business performance coach—that combination makes a world of difference. She is tough on challenging people to aim higher. There is one condition though: you have to be open to 'radical candour'. Look it up, it's a great thing to have in your company culture.

Hayat's value lies in bringing exactly the right basic stuff into the conversation to allow you as management to see the bigger picture.  Next to Sensara's Management Team, she coached some of our lead developers who did not want to become managers. After 3 sessions, they were comfortable in leading their teams. Hayat's success is best reflected in the fact that her coaching sessions became an employee benefit at Sensara. My NPS is a 10!"


Shana Dressler, Co-Founder NYC Innovation Collective

“I’ve been working with Olga on leadership related topics while running an incubator for design entrepreneurs at Google. When I started to get to know the team, I faced communications challenges with one of the stakeholders. During the course of the coaching, I found ways to communicate with this stakeholder so that we could shift the dynamic to work more harmoniously together. What surprised me the most was learning that, because I was feeling disempowered, I wasn’t showing up as an effective leader. I credit not only Olga’s extensive training, but her rare intuitive ability to share insights and make connections beyond the obvious. She is a gem!”


Thomas Ferguson, CEO, Gerimedica

"Our company is transitioning from a phase of fast organic growth and limited structure into a phase of exponential growth with a higher demand for productivity and predictability. Hayat and her team have coached our management team and a team of emerging leaders over the past 12 months. It has been an exciting ride! Our biggest challenge was (of course) to take ownership of our own default roles and behaviours and change them into new ones. As senior management, who have been working together for many years, we have gained essential insight in our team dynamics. What works, but above all: what doesn’t work and what needs to change in order to create space for new leaders. 

We haven’t finished our trajectory yet, but already we are prepared for creating an exciting future for the company and for healthcare in the Netherlands."


Anya Navidski, VC Principal, Voulez Capital

“Neena has an exceptional ability to truly see and understand people around her. She has a rare combination of deep intuition and rigorous analysis.”


Simon Ulvund, Co-Founder, CEO, Meridia

“Working with Hayat has helped us create an even more honest and transparent leadership collaboration, where we get to the bottom of things, make decisions and move forward swiftly. I look forward to every session like a little kid looks forward to their birthday. It's always so rewarding.”


Sacha Engels, Investor, Board Advisor, Entrepreneur

"Hayat is the most radiant coach I’ve ever come across. Her personal story, powerful appearance, professional skills and enormous experience made a huge impression on me. She showed me how to ask insightful questions in a way that makes the recipient feel safe, become less prejudicial and open to real dialogue. To this day, I put her lessons into practice.”


Jennifer Kanary, Founder Labyrinth Psychotica

“Hayat's powerful energy inspires you to be the best version of yourself. She asks all the right questions to move you forward in your dreams. To share time with her brain, heart, and soul is a gift to yourself and your company.”

Yvonne Biggins, Co-Founder Movellas, Co-Founder Young Happy Minds

“Being matched with Olga was fundamental to making my business a reality. She is gentle and caring, but tough when she needs to be which, mixed with her incredible intuition, creates a magical formula for personal breakthroughs. As a coach, she helped me to stop hiding and start shining. If you’re looking for transformation or change in your life, Olga will help you to get there.”


Hassan Al-Hassani, Founding CEO, The Coaching Talks

"Neena has a gift. She is able to hone in on issues quickly and precisely, and balances this with immeasurable patience in guiding you to unearth what she sees, as clearly as she sees it, together."